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‘Keeping Girls in the Game’ Legacy in Action, March 2024

‘Experience a picturesque, all-inclusive resort in Muskoka this fall’ National Post, September 2022

‘Journey through Jasper: Local experiences to cross off your bucket list this winter’ Calgary Herald, January 2022.

‘Edmonton’s go-to for famous, fresh burgers cooked to order’ Edmonton Journal, November 2021

‘Trusted services help seniors get a grip on winter conditions’ Edmonton Journal, October 2021

‘Return to travel — experience authentic Jasper this summer’ Calgary Herald, July 2021

‘We’ve seen an increase in demand for counselling’ Winnipeg Sun, May 2021

‘The show must go on’ Kenora Daily Miner & News, April 2021

‘Edmonton photographers embrace the lost art of film photography during lockdown’ Edmonton Journal, April 2021

‘You’re actually stepping inside the paintings’ Calgary Herald, March 2021